Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Last one

The last blog of the year I never thought that I was going to see this day. I never thought this day was going to come I am so happy that the last week of school. This is the end of my first year of school and man this is something that I will never get used to this is something that I could not do for the rest of my life. I only have 3 years left and I really do not want to do these last three years but I really do not have a choice so I am like skip it college is college the stories are real. I thought it was going to be difficult but I never thought that it was going to be like this but I am down to my last week and that is all that matters. I really can not wait for the next three years the first one went by so fast I hope the rest follows but still it has and for ever will be the class of 07 on mine but now it is 11 but that is okay because we will make it do what it do.

1 comment:

Ryan Ruble said...

It is a great feeling to be done isnt it!? I think wendy told me that she was going to make us do them one more week just for you though haha jk man but it does feel good to be done.